The last few weeks have been extremely busy! I have spent much time online searching, asking for advice from local mom groups, and calling OB offices everywhere. The OB calls are usually very quick and go something like; "Hi, I am pregnant and looking for an OB who is willing to work with me on a VBA2C.", the receptionist either immediately tells me, "Oh we don't do those." or some will double check to make sure I just said 2 previous cesareans and then tell me that if it was just one I might have a shot but with 2 there really is no way. Its depressing, discouraging and infuriating. Infuriating because I feel so strongly that it should be MY CHOICE! I understand that most OB's are uncomfortable with their own lack of control in a labor situation with a woman who has had 2 cesareans and they have too much fear to want to be a part of it. At the same time, the overall risks are comparable or better if I birth vaginally, but I guess a surgeon wants to cut and feel they can control the risks better in that situation. I get it. But shouldn't I get a vote!?
Well. I did finally find an OB who is willing to take me on as a VBA2C patient. He will be a great option if I risk out or can't complete the pregnancy with the midwives. The issues with this OB are that he has privileges at the local hospital that is VERY unfriendly towards VBACs and if this exact OB isn't on call when I go into labor, I end up cut open. My last VBAC failed due to pressure from supposedly VBAC friendly hospital staff, so that is an option my entire system rebels against. I also really don't like some of this hospitals policies and standard protocol regarding babies and their care. Specifically that they have a mandatory nursery stay for all babies for observation and monitoring. That's it. No medical indications, but all babies must be monitored in the nursery for 2 hours. So, while its great to have that option, it is not my first choice and feel my chances of success are sincerely diminished if I choose this option.
I called the midwives back to see if I could negotiate the price down with them, but they won't budge on the price simply because I'm a VBA2C. So I talked to the hubby again and finally had a really good, long talk about this with him. We talked about the risks and he asked a ton of questions about c/s vs VBA2C stuff and made some comment that I seemed very determined to do this with the midwives. I've been mulling it over for another week or so and called the midwives today to make my first appointment for early November! I'm terrified and excited and nervous and borderline hysterical even. So much running through my mind, and the foremost issue is how I'm going to come up with a second mortgage payment each month to pay the midwives! But my appointment is made!