Since it appears its the money is going to be an issue and I may not get to go with the midwives, I've been calling and searching and calling, desperately trying to find an OBGyn who is willing to work with me on a VBA2C. Every single place I call tells me that they 'don't do those here'. I have had some secretary/nurses tell me that that OB sometimes does VBAC, but not a VBA2C. They say its because of the risks and I just want to SCREAM!!! I want to throw a temper tantrum the likes of which could compete my nearly 3 year old daughter. Do you not ever ready anything new that comes out from the ACOG?! You are so misinformed! I asked on a local facebook group for suggestions and advice and I got nothing but negative information about how impossible it is to find a VBAC friendly doctor, much less someone who'd be willing to advocate for me. Its an impossible dream, apparently, to want a VBA2C in the state of Texas, or at least in my area of Texas. Its been suggested that I go to a town 2 hours north of me, where there are supposedly some OB's who would 'allow' me a trial of labor. The issues I have with that are that it is 2 hours away, and if I go into labor in the middle of the night, I have to wake up my two kids and drag them with me because I don't have anyone to watch them here, and I wouldn't be comfortable with that anyway because I don't like being that far from them. Or from home, for that matter. It would also mean that I'd have to drive 4 hours for every single appointment, with my two kids. And I'd have to drive that every week during the last month. That wears me out just thinking about it. I shouldn't have to do that. It shouldn't be this hard! Its my body and I should be able to choose this for myself. I am a grown as woman and I have done my research! I can make my own medical decisions! Why should they get to force a surgery on me when the overall risks of surgery versus vaginal birth after cesarean (even multiple) show that vaginal birth is overall safer? Anyway, that's where I am with that.
I went to a hospital tour of the local hospital that is literally one minute from my house. How awesome would it be if they were an awesome hospital? Unfortunately, they are not in the least bit VBAC friendly. There were a few things I did like about the place. I liked that in a vaginal delivery they immediately place the baby on mom's chest as routine policy. I like that they encourage breastfeeding and rooming in. I liked the big clean labor rooms, but why are the regular rooms always so cramped and small? That is where you have more visitors. Also, why separate rooms for labor, recovery and then a regular room? Why can't there just be one room that you stay in? But I digress. I didn't like that they take the baby after you leave the recovery room just to bathe and observe the baby for 2 hours in the nursery. I don't understand that. Why are parents in a hospital not allowed to bathe their own baby for the first time? And why can't they 'observe' the baby while he or she is with mom? I didn't ask, but I imagine the separation is even longer with cesarean babies. I am also annoyed by the no pictures of video policy of hospitals during the deliver of the baby, especially cesareans. It makes it seem like they have something to hide. They don't want any record of it if the screw up, giving them deniability. That's how I see it anyway. Maybe they have a genuine and reasonable reason for this policy, but it has never been explained to me. They also had a booklet handout at the tour. I've read through it and am annoyed at the tone of it. The baby will have routine this or that, This WILL happen, that WILL happen. As though there is no other way and no choice whatsoever of the parents/patients. That was that tour. I will hopefully not see the inside of that L&D anytime near May!
This is where I am now. Still not sure what will happen or how or even if I will get my dream. I have had almost all hope dashed at this point, but I am not above going rogue and just doing my own prenatal care and waiting till the baby is literally coming out before going into the hospital if I can't get the midwives.
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